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Testatika Free Energy Generator


Electrostatic Free Energy Generator

A most interesting piece of energy technology, the Testatika appears to be a entirely practical electromagnetic/electrostatic generator. At least partially based upon the 1989 Pidgeon electrostatic machine, the design includes an inductance circuit, a capacitance circuit, and a thermionic rectification valve. Reportedly a genuine “free energy machine” which actually harnesses static electricity from the surrounding atmosphere, which perhaps in the past was referred to as “the aether.” Overall, the Testatika resembles a typical Wimshurst machine, yet in many other respects there are areas of it’s construction which remain a confounding mystery.

Originally built by German engineer, Paul Suisse Baumann, the fabled Testatika was once promoted by a Swiss religious community called the Methernithans. Baumann claimed the inspiration for the machines came to him via divine visitors from outer space. The Testatika is also described as the Swiss M-L converter or Thesta-Distatica. To this day, the energy system remains in the possession of the Methernitha community, and although device appears to to extract, amplify and convert electrostatic energy to powerful, useful levels, they continue to refuse sharing this discovery with the outside world. Apparently, the rest of us are simply not worthy of their invention.

There are those dedicated researchers who have attempted to reverse engineer the Testatika, with of these efforts documented on the amazing Rex Research web archive. Perhaps this may yet be another example of the very kind of alternative thinking necessary to transform our ongoing energy and environmental crisis. However, just can’t help wondering who else might even now be developing similar technologies in secret, only to keep it for themselves, withheld from humanity for greed and profit… Wouldn’t that be a shame.

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