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Jane Roberts and Seth - 1986 Interview and Trance Session

Jane Roberts and the Seth Material

Informative New Age Books Channeled from the Spirit Dimension

There was time when my circle of friends were passing around these books by a woman named Jane Roberts, who was ‘channeling’ a disembodied entity called Seth. Until then I’d been reading mostly pop-psych stuff, and light weight New Age sorts of books. Yet nothing I encountered in print up until then adequately prepared me for what I was about to find…

The Seth Material itself consists of an extensive record made by Jane’s husband Robert Butts, who from 1963, until her death in 1984, produced many volumes of hand written dictation taken from hundreds of trance session hours. Titles I read, and would highly recommend are The Nature of Personal Reality; Seth Speaks – The Eternal Validity of the Soul; The Unknown Reality (volumes 1 and 2); Psychic Politics; and The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. There was also the fantastic Oversoul Seven Trilogy, and an illustrated children’s book called Emir’s Education in the Proper Use of Magical Powers.

The central thesis of the Seth books is easy enough to understand. Each individual creates their personal reality through their thoughts and beliefs, and likewise we collectively participate in the larger creation of this world around us. Fairly straight forward thinking by today’s standards, but back then the idea of “your beliefs create your reality” was still a fairly original concept. Also postulated were such interesting ideas as Inner Self as different from Ego Self, the nature of God, thought form as physical existence, psychic weather, parallel lifetimes, multidimensional reality, and higher guidance as provided by Over Souls.

What always fascinated me about the Seth books was how strictly speaking, there was never any need for outrageous claims, or incredible psychic powers. Basically, just paying attention to what mental programs your running in your life, make better use of your intuition, trust in synchronicity, along with encouraging everyone to more fully participate in and accept responsibility for this reality which we’ve all created together.

All excellent philosophical ideas worth living, regardless if they are proposed by some disembodied entity, or even by Jane Robert’s personal unconscious. To me, this all seems like good old fashioned, practical cognitive psychology. Would suggest that you stop by some local used bookstore, and pick up one of the Seth books for yourself, and give it a truly mind opening read.

“Affirmation means accepting your soul as it appears in your creature-hood. You cannot deny your creature-hood without denying your soul. You cannot deny your soul without denying your creature-hood. Your core of being is as a soul in chemical clothes.”
– Jane Roberts, channeling Seth