Capture Of Energy By Resonance.

The Sea Of Energy
In Which The Earth Floats
T. Henry Moray
Chapter 10 – Capture Of Energy By Resonance
With The Radiations Of The Universe
Oscillating Discharge — When any elastic substance is subjected to strain and then set free, one of two things happens. The substance may slowly recover from the strain and gradually attain its natural state, or the elastic recoil may carry it past its position of equilibrium, and cause it to execute a series of oscillations. Something of the same sort may also occur when an electrified condenser is discharged. In ordinary language there may be a continuous flow of electricity in one direction until the discharge is completed, or an oscillating discharge may occur; that is, the first flow may be succeeded by a back-rush, as if the first discharge has overrun itself and something like recoil has set in. The condenser thus becomes more or less charged again in the opposite sense, and a second discharge occurs, accompanied by a second back-rush, the oscillation going on until all the energy is either radiated or used up in heating the conductors. However, in the case of Radiant Energy, the oscillations can continue forever because of the actions of the universe. It is known that high frequency currents may be classified as to their oscillating characteristics, i.e., damped or undamped. The energy from the universe being of both types, depending on conditions beyond the scope of this writing, we have a back-rush effect as explained before in the RE device.
The purpose of the capacitors in the RE circuit is to store and then to discharge energy. If the resistance is low, an oscillatory discharge takes place. The discharge and recharge on the opposite plates continues in the ordinary sense until the energy which was originally stored is dissipated. In the case of the RE device, a different effect is established because the oscillation from the universe trapped by the RE valve, continue to enter the circuit in the way waves of the sea beat upon the shore. With negligible resistance in a device, no energy is lost in heat and the oscillations continue.
With the explanations given, is the obtaining of energy from the energy oscillations of the universe any less understandable than the obtaining of energy from a mechanical prime mover? To use mathematical language, exact conditions exist in both cases, be they mechanical or electrical systems. The electrical prime mover, the so-called electric generator or the Moray energy oscillator all have the same scientific facts. In a mechanical system, the greater the inertia the greater the tendency of the body to keep in motion once it is set in motion. In an electrical circuit, the greater the inductance with resistance cut to a minimum, the greater the tendency of the electrical energy (current) to continue to flow once it is started.
From the above it then becomes clear that if where R is the resistance in ohms, L is the inductance in henries, and C the capacity in farads, oscillating discharges take place. For low resistance value, i.e., R, the frequency of the oscillations may be expressed.
Let Q be the charge of the capacitor at any instant, C its capacity, R the resistance of the circuit, and L its coefficient of self-induction. Then, if I is the intensity of the current and E the electromotive force, we have the equation:
In this case E = Q/C, and I = dQ/dt therefore:
The solution of this equation is: where m and m‘ are the roots of the equation.
Writing we have m = R/2L + a, and m‘ = -R/2L – a, and
where A and B are constants determined by the initial conditions; viz. that initially we have Q = Q0, and I = 0, which give A + B = Q0, and Am + Bm‘ = 0, or
Consequently the current at any instant is
Hence if a be real — that is, if we have the quantity Q will gradually diminish to zero as the time increases. If, however, we have
then a will be imaginary, and writing the above formula becomes at once
In this case the current starts from zero and rises to a maximum; it then falls to zero and becomes reversed, after which it passes through a series of oscillations. The discharge therefore does not take place in a single flow from one capacitor to the other, but a back-rush sets in, and a series of currents, or oscillations, occur alternately in opposite directions.
The current attains its maximum intensity when
zero value of the current is reached when
(Zero Current)
consequently the charge at the same time is at its maximum, for we have I = dQ/dt.
Thus the charge oscillates backwards and forwards, attaining positive and
negative maxima after the lapse of equal intervals
, the time of a complete being
the resistance is small compared with the reciprocal of the capacity we may use
the approximate formula
successive maximum charges occur when I = 0, or a‘t
= np;
they are therefore
quantities therefore diminish in geometrical progression, and the energy of the
charge diminishes correspondingly on each oscillation, being lost in heating the
the discharge is continuous or oscillatory therefore depends on whether 4L is
less or greater than CR2, and an oscillatory discharge may be
obtained either by increasing L or sufficiently diminishing C and R.
predictions on analysis have been confirmed, as Thomson suggested, by examining
the spark, during discharge, by means of a revolving mirror. In Feddersen’s experiments
the image of the spark in a revolving mirror was viewed through a
telescope. When the resistance of the circuit was high, the spark was merely
drawn out in width — that is, at right angles to its length; but when the
resistance was sufficiently reduced, so that the oscillating discharge might
occur, the band was reduced to a broken image consisting of a series of strips,
each strip corresponding to a discharge. As stated, we have discovered the
oscillation of the universe corresponds to oscillation of electric capacitors,
depending on the frequency of the energy involved, going on into infinity. The
arithmetic progression becomes geometrical.”*
oscillations of energy surging from the universe into the device and returning
to the universe are picked up by the Moray device and the oscillator tubes of
the device because it is tuned to oscillate in harmony with the oscillations of
the universe — just as vibrations from musical instruments can be made to
oscillate together. Every oscillation, whether large or small, is completed
during the same interval of time. The beat note of time, the heartbeats of life,
the oscillations are all governed by the same cycle of time; or as stated above,
completed during the same interval of time; and as stated years ago, these waves
of energy have a regular beat note of time, coming and going as the waves of the
sea, but in a very definite mathematical order of time. These waves of energy
come to the earth from every direction, stronger in the daytime than at night,
but always coming with regular beat notes that might be referred to as the
Father of Time, the Sire of Gravitation.
matter and energy are possibly one is the sum total of all that has been found
during three centuries of incessant research covering that portion of the
universe visible in a forty inch telescope armed with the most powerful
spectroscope ever made.
is the experience of the writer that all space is saturated with inconceivably
minute corpuscles of energy. Reference is made to the discoveries of Professor
J.J. Thomson. These are doubtless either electricity in its ultimate refinement
or very close to it. The earth and sun, all suns and dark bodies in space, all
granular matter move through the primordial cosmic mass of electrical energy as
a wire screen through water. The wide spaces in diamond, glass, steel, flint or
anything else allow “these bodies smaller than atoms,” as Thomson
says, “to pass through.”
the definition of energy, it is the potential of the universe. When matter is in
a phase allowing it to be active, it affects other quantities of matter at a
distance. The method of transfer is known to be by means of wave and corpuscular
motion. Each impulse moves from the omitting to the receiving mass on a
rigorously straight line. One continuous set of oscillations in this line is
called a ray. Each negative or “Thomsonian corpuscle” makes a double
vibration to and fro like a pendulum straight across the direction of the ray
— i.e., at right angles to it, the corpuscles moving and returning to the
original position. Since the corpuscles are negative and can be drawn out of
their original straight path by the action of magnetism, the entire wave motion
of the universe is electromagnetic. This is what Maxwell theorized many years
ago. Thomson proved the theory a fact. He wrote:
“After one corpuscle makes an
oscillation across the direction of the ray and returns, the next does likewise,
and the next, and so on. After the first corpuscle makes the swing, another
distant from it 186,000 miles in the same straight line will also make a
vibration at the end of the first second of time.”
from Atoms and Rays, written in 1924
by Sir Oliver Lodge, Fellow of the Royal Society of Science and holder of five
or six doctorates, with honors from scores of colleges and president of a dozen
or more scientific societies:
term ‘light’, strictly speaking, means that kind of etherial radiation which is
able to affect the eye. But it is common knowledge that there are many other
varieties of radiation besides these to which the eye is sensitive. It is not
clearly known why the eye is sensitive to some kinds of etherial radiation, and
not to other kinds. That, no doubt, can be ascertained; it is a question for
physicists and physiologists in collaboration. But the eyes of animals and
insects as well as of man, all appear to be sensitive to a limited range of
etherial radiation, which is therefore called light. Other kinds of radiation
can affect a photographic plate; other kinds, again, can stimulate the chemical
actions going on in the leaves of plants, and thereby supply the energy needed
for vegetable growth. Another kind — a rather deeper harmonic as it were —
supplies everything on earth with warmth, and by evaporating water contributes
to most of the phenomena of weather. Other kinds, again, are emitted when
individual electrons traveling at a high speed in a vacuum, encounter the
obstruction of a target; this kind of invisible radiation being called x-rays.
And, at the opposite end of the scale, another kind of radiation is emitted and
is known as the Hertzian waves employed in radio.
speaking of these kinds of radiation as different we are not speaking quite
accurately. They differ only as treble notes differ from bass notes; they differ
in rapidity or rate of vibration, wave-length, or frequency. They do not differ
in any other essential particular. Through the whole range – from the
telegraphic waves, which may be a mile long, to x-rays, of which the wave-length
is actually smaller than atoms, and only expressible in billionths of an inch –
they all travel, we assume, at precisely the same speed. They are all of the
same electromagnetic character; they are all subject to the same laws of
interference, of reflection, refraction, and polarization, which have long been
studied: in the department of physics known as optics.”
Henry Moray would qualify the above statement by saying there are speeds greater
than 186,000 miles per second.)
an electric charge is, or is not, it is certainly a focus of energy. And if we
could imagine a vortex, containing the known mass of the electron and
circulating with the velocity of light, its energy would be equal to that of the
electric field in the space surrounding the electron. This coincidence, if it be
a coincidence, can hardly fail to have some meaning. And there are those who are
beginning to think that the whole material universe is built up of energy in
various states of self contained or intrinsic motion; by which adjectives it is
intended to discriminate between rotary motion (like that of a top or a
whirlpool) and ordinary locomotion (or shifting from place to place.)
who hold this view of the universe are strengthened in their position by the
statements of Einstein on energy in general. It is well known that all the
ordinary energy we are acquainted with, such as the motion of railway trains,
cricket balls, and such like, is merely relative – relative to the earth, or to
some other piece of matter. There is nothing absolute about it. But Einstein
gives an expression for what one might be inclined to call absolute energy, in
which the only relevant velocity is the velocity of the Cosmos. And all the
phenomena we observe in nature, at any rate in inorganic nature-omitting the
phenomena of Life and Mind for the present, as lying outside our physical ken –
may be regarded as due to, and as demonstrating, slight modifications of the
portion affected by this great velocity, in form which enables it to appeal to
our animal derived senses. For the spinning motion itself is impalpable and
beyond the ken of our instruments, until it partially exhibits itself as
transmitted waves in the form of radiation.
the energy that we experience can be resolved into vibrations or tremors. But
all electric and magnetic phenomena, and therefore, all chemical activity, are
likewise known to be modes of manifestation of vibrating space, the complete
manner and meaning of which have still to be worked out.
the question arises, What is Matter? Is that too a manifestation of some
peculiar properties in the medium? We know now that matter is built up of
protons, neutrons, electrons, etc. But when we come to analyze these into their
fundamentals, we find far more than a hint that they are but special
modifications in the all-pervading energy, and are essentially resolvable into
kinetic energy of a specific kind. Hence, we are beginning to think that all
matter itself is a form of energy.
is the chief thing in the physical universe that directly appeals to us. We
apprehend it under a great variety of forms. And it is becoming probable that
what we call matter is one of these forms. Most of the forms of energy that we
know are convertible one into another. The energy of motion turns into heat; so
does the energy of electric currents, unless it is converted into the energy of
chemical separation or electric charge. Conversion from one form to another,
without loss, is the sign-manual of energy. And the proof that matter is a form
of energy will not be clinched until it can be demonstrated that matter too is
convertible into other forms of energy.”
attempts have been made to harness the forces of nature directly to produce
usable power.
types of energy besides sunlight are constantly bombarding the earth with waves
and particles, or surrounding it in much the same manner as its atmosphere or
the very space in which it exists. Among these are the gravitational and
magnetic fields and the cosmic rays.
features of cosmic radiation would enable RE transformers using cosmic
radiations as a primary source to operate with relative independence as to
position or season. It is also evident that such a device would show
possibilities of efficient operation in moving vehicles within-the. earth’s
atmosphere and in space at continuous high power levels.
an energy transformer or converter has been built. It has been operated, at full
load continuously with no expenditure-of fuels of any -type, without a
mechanical prime mover, kept alive by the oscillations of the energies from the
cosmos; an energy converter, or transformer, which would be capable of
converting the high frequency, high level energy of the cosmic radiation into
current of usable frequency and voltage.
the theory of operation is as follows: Oscillations are started. in the first
stage or circuit of the device by exciting it with an external energy source.
The circuit is until the oscillations are sustained by harmonic coupling to the
cosmic wave frequencies. The reinforcing action of the harmonic coupling
increases the amplitude of the oscillations, until the peak pulses
“spill” over into the next stage through a special detector or valve
which prevents the return or feedback of energy from succeeding circuits. These.
“pulses” drive this stage, which oscillates at a lower .frequency and
is again reinforced by harmonic coupling with the ever present cosmic waves. The
second stage drives a third stage, and additional stages are coupled until a
suitable power level at a usable frequency and voltage is obtained by means of
special transformers. (See schematic drawing of RE device.)
the machine is in operation and delivering power, it does not require any
continuance of the excitation forces necessary to start it. The oscillations are
sustained as long as it remains properly tuned and the external circuit is
completed through a suitable load.
special tubes which appear to be the key. to the success of this device are
ionic cold cathode tubes which require no external power sources.
speaking, the present method of securing energy with prime movers has been used
too long. We have used it. so. long that we have let ourselves believe that
there is no other way to secure energy. Present methods are expensive and
cumbersome. Think of the power sites and steam plants, the transmission lines,
the transformers, the many other kinds of equipment that are now required to
supply electricity. The present system is unreasonably expensive. When we begin
to realize the tremendous energies, electrical energies, that surround us, we
should actually be ashamed that we have been so dilatory in our efforts to
improve upon our crude, cumbersome, and expensive method of furnishing heat,
light and power.
Books could be filled with accounts of the
struggles for acceptance of a new idea or a new way of doing things. You need
only read the story of the development of the telephone, the railroad, the
airplane, automobile, to appreciate the cost in sacrifice, money and
unselfishness necessary to promote a new and revolutionary movement,
irrespective of the vast good it accomplishes when established for the use of
Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats - Chapter Selection
Chapter 10 – Capture Of Energy By Resonance
The Sea Of Energy In Which The Earth Floats
Chapter 08 – Reactions By Electron Excitation
The Sea Of Energy In Which The Earth Floats