By: Richard Haider On: April 10, 2016 In: Climate Change, Interweb Encounters, Polar Shift Comments: 0

Link below to recent article seen on google news, sourced by the Washington Post:

Greenland and Antarctic melt isn’t just raising seas — it’s changing the Earth’s rotation

Funny thing about this (if funny is the right word here) I’ve warned people about possible ramifications of rapid melt down of the polar ice caps for decades now. Doing research on the subject, I understood that if all the Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets were melted quickly enough, the rapid redistribution of those giga-tons of water around the globe would change the rotational spin of the entire planet. Slowly at first, until the imbalance reaches maximum, and the entire planet will ‘shift’ to a new rotational axis. Einstein believed in this possibility over over fifty years ago… Seems like the renewal of interest in Nicola Tesla these days, the topic of Pole Shift has simply become vogue again.

People said it just sounded crazy when I talked about this stuff all those years ago… Kind of makes me wonder if it sounds any less crazy after actually being measured by NASA’s GRACE satellites, or now confirmed by those nutty rocket scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory?